Wednesday, September 9, 2009

A challenge to liberals...

Obama's plan requires insurance plans to accept all people with pre-conditions, cover regular check ups (free of charge) and, moreover, they cannot drop anyone from the plan.

Here are a couple of questions for you - what do you surmise this would do to the insurance premiums, will they go up or down? Will the medical insurance be more or less affordable to the people who is now covered?


stoneman said...

If the previously uninsured don't use the emergency room as their only treatment option any more, than hospitals won't have to jack up their rates to cover them than the rates should go down. Preventative maintenance practices will prevent the unnecessary expenesive proedures.

Challenge to Republicans...
Get the "free" market system to be less expensive than other indutrialized nations and cover as many people. Currently we are spending almost twice as much on helath care as every other indutrailized country and our life expentancy is ranked somewhere are around 30th best. If you're answer is tort reform, than why does teh CBO says that adds approxiamtely about 2% to the cost of health care, so cutting by half or less won't be a significant change.

Quit dragging your feet on these important issues, you are hurting our country.

Anonymous said...

Don't you know that it's racism to ask liberals to use common sense and rely on logical thinking?

I am not a liberal. This is why I can answer your question. Of course, the insurance prices are going to skyrocket, so that less and less people will be able to afford private insurance plans. Naturally, people will start complaining. And here he comes -- our old friend Obama with his public option! I think, that's their plan...